Dr | Asma | Khan | Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Pakistan | Others | Pakistan | Women Researcher Award |
Dr | shazia | khan | International Islamic University Islamabad | Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Pakistan | Best Researcher Award |
Assist Prof Dr | Arshad | Ali | Hamad Medical Corporation and Weill Cornell Medicine | Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Qatar | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Viacheslav | Wolfengagen | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI | Others | Russia | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Hernando | Ombao | KAUST | Others | Saudi Arabia | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Jae-myeong | Lee | Korea University Anam Hospital | Ethics in Neurology and Legal Issues | South Korea | Women Researcher Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Kitae | Kim | Seoul National University of Science and Technology | Others | South Korea | Best Researcher Award |
Ms | Soo-Jin | Kim | Korea University | Alzheimer’s disease | South Korea | Best Innovation Award |
Prof | Jin-Sung | Park | Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center | Spine Disorders | South Korea | Best Research Article Award |
Prof Dr | Jorge | Manzanares | Universidad Miguel Hernandez | Addiction & Therapeutics | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Alejandro | Gallardo-Tur | Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria Málaga | Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | José A | Sánchez Alcázar | Universidad Pablo de Olavide | Neurodegeneration and Aging Disorders | Spain | Excellence in Research |
Dr | Manuel | Martí-Vilar | Universitat de València | Addiction & Therapeutics | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Salvatore | Novello | EPFL | Neurodegeneration and Aging Disorders | Switzerland | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Ahmad | Alkheder | Faculty of medicine, Damascus University | Neuro Anatomy | Syria | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | TZCHUEN | JU | Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiw | Inflammatory Neurologic Diseases | Taiwan | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Win-Ping | Deng | Stem Cell Center/Taipei Medical University | Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Taiwan | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | En-Cheng | Yang | Department of Entomology/National Taiwan University | Others | Taiwan | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Cetin | Genc | Istanbul University | Brain Injury | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Assist Prof Dr | Handan | Noyan | Beykoz University | Neuropsychiatry | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |